A Short History of First Christian Church
FCC was formed in 1830 out of a Baptist congregation that met in the building that is now the Woodford County Historical Society. The new congregation broke with the Baptists over several issues: the frequency of the Lord's Supper, the way in which the Bible was interpreted, the requirement of members to believe in creeds, and beliefs about denominations. The new "Christians", as they called themselves, were part of a movement on the frontier of America that sought to dissolve denominations and return to the Bible as the only model for faith and conduct. Baptism by immersion and weekly “open” communion made us different from most churches of that day. In 1853 the present sanctuary building was constructed.
FCC is in covenant with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), a denomination that officially formed in the 1960s. We are an autonomous congregation but we affiliate ourselves with CC(DOC) for a common mission and better use of resources. There are over 200 CC(DOC) congregations in Kentucky.
In 2000, the Life Center was finished as a separate building that gave FCC community space, youth space, and a large modern kitchen. In 2007 FCC completed a project that connected the buildings, installed a large modern elevator, constructed a new high school room, and renovated the sanctuary and the old fellowship hall into classrooms and a chapel.