We exist to make disciples of Jesus by being the family of God sent into the world on a daily basis.
We’re glad you’re here!
Welcome to First Christian Church (FCC)! We can't wait to share with you the love of Christ AND our passion for serving our community. Whether you are looking for a new church family or looking to attend a church gathering for the first time, we know it can be scary to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. We at FCC welcome all to come and experience the joy of being in God's family.
Gather with us!
We gather as a family each Sunday morning in order to spend time in worship of our Father. You’ll find Jesus at the center of everything as we sing and reflect on his amazing grace. You’ll also hear a 20-to-30-minute message applying the grace of Jesus to your real life.
Each Sunday we have two gatherings in the Sanctuary at 9:00 and 11:05. The 9am gathering is composed of more traditional worship elements, while the 11:05am gathering is more contemporary in nature.
We also offer a Nursery and children's programming at the 11:05 gathering.
Current Message Series
Join us each week as we hear from our Senior Pastor Marcus and others during our Sunday morning gathering!
You can view past sermons here.
Wednesday Night Activities!
Our Winter Midweek activities are in full swing! Each Wednesday at 6:30 pm, we offer a variety of discipleship environments for all ages. (Don’t forget to join us for our Weds night dinners each week beginning at 5:30.)
We have two Connect Groups for Adults:
Option 1, led by Marcus Lynn, will be a study entitled “The Anxiety Opportunity: How Worry is the Doorway to Your Best Self.” The video & discussion-based group will examine the question: “What if instead of battling anxiety, you saw your worries as a doorway to spiritual transformation?”
Option 2, led by Bob Tankersley, will be “Four Questions Every Disciple Should be Asking.” This group will examine crucial questions that every follower of Jesus should ask to grow in their apprenticeship with him.
Come join us on Wednesday Evenings!
Join our Leadership Team!
We are currently looking for someone to serve as our Director of Children’s Ministries. If you are interested, you can read our job description here. Please send resumes and inquiries to FCCVstaff@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!
Love God — Love the Family — Love your Neighbor

Connect with us!
We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.
(859) 873-3901
(859) 459-0443